Squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it to acne-prone areas. Leave on for 10 minutes, then wash the skin with warm water and neutral soap. Use this recipe only at night.
Prepare a mixture of mint leaves with warm water. Let the preparation sit for 20 minutes and apply on the area with acne. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. Use this recipe only at night.
Grind the paico root and boil it for 3 minutes. Before removing from the burner, add leaves from the same plant. Take this preparation in the morning for two or three days.
No plant should be boiled to administer orally to children; they are prepared as an infusion.
In a liter of water, boil nettle leaves, rosemary and horsetail for 10 minutes. Let the preparation sit for 20 minutes. Filter and apply, using massaging motions, on the scalp. Leave on for a minimum of 4 hours, a maximum of 24 hours. Rinse hair with cold water. The longer you leave the preparation on, the more effective the result will be. You can repeat the recipe once a week.
Take horsetail infusion with a little lemon juice.
Prepare an infusion of 5 dandelion leaves. Use this recipe for breakfast and after lunch. You can also put some leaves in your salads: even though it has a bitter taste, it’s a very effective remedy.
Prepare an infusion from one or two rue flowers. After turning the burner off, add a teaspoon of cane drink. Take only once per day. For the infusion, use a maximum of two rue flowers. If you use more than two flowers the effect will be very strong. Rue in large quantities has an abortifacient effect.
Drink an infusion of white moradilla blanca flower, horsetail branches and cinnamon, until the pain disappears.
Drink an infusion of wallflower and essence of rose flowers. You can repeat this until the pain is eliminated.
Drink an infusion of lemon balm leaves, valerian, pink mallow flower or pataconpanga.
You can make the infusion from all the herbs together or just some of them. The more herbs you use, the more effective the drink will be.
With a cloth handkerchief, hold a small rue branch on your head. Use this recipe until the pain is eliminated.
Heat an alder leaf. To achieve this, you can put hot ashes on the leaf or simply put the leaf on a metal lid over a hot burner. Cover the hot sheet with half a teaspoon of cocoa butter and apply on the affected area. Leave on throughout the day. At night repeat the procedure with a new leaf and sleep with this remedy. You can continue the treatment until the pain is eliminated.
Cook rue branches, eucalyptus leaves, pine branches, chilca leaves and chamomile branches for 8 minutes. When the plants are already cooked, turn off the burner and add a pinch of baking soda or salt.
Use this preparation to make compresses and apply to the affected area.
Prepare an infusion of scented mallow branches. Use this remedy up to three times a day.
Drink an infusion of pataconpanga leaves, chamomile branches, mint leaves or fennel leaf. You can make the infusion from all of the herbs or just some of them. The more herbs you use, the more effective the preparation will be. It’s very important to use this recipe without sugar to avoid stomach swelling.
Take one to three teaspoons of ground flaxseed daily. You can take it in juice or water. This recipe maintains bowel regularity and prevents constipation. It’s very important to drink 8 glasses of water a day to get your bowels moving.
Drink nettle infusion two times a week.
Cut two potatoes into slices. With a cloth handkerchief hold the slices to your head. When you feel that the slices are hot, add new slices until the temperature goes down completely.
Prepare an infusion of any of these plants alone or in combination: borage, escancel, violet flower, tall malva flower, eucalyptus leaves, pimpinilla, linden flower, pennyroyal branches. The more herbs you use, the more effective the recipe will be. You can drink this tea for three to five days until you feel better.
Grind and boil nettle root for 3 minutes. Drink this tea until you feel better.
No plant should be boiled to administer orally to children; they should be prepared as an infusion.
Roast tree tomato slices on the stove. With a handkerchief hold the slices against the throat. Repeat this recipe two or three times a day until you feel better.
Grind borage root, uvilla root and violet root. Boil all these roots for 8 minutes in milk or water. Drink the preparation twice a day.
No plant should be boiled to administer orally to children; they should be prepared as an infusion.
Prepare infusion of violet flower, borage flower, uvilla flower. Drink this beverage at night before bed. Repeat the procedure until you feel better.
Boil eucalyptus leaves until a thick green liquid appears. Apply this preparation to the chest and back before sleeping. You can repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.
Heat a zambo leaf. For this you can put hot ashes on the leaf, or simply put the leaf on a metal lid over a hot burner. Place the sheet on the affected area. Continue the treatment until you feel better.
Grind a geranium leaf and apply the juice to the affected area. Cover the wound with plastic so that the skin absorbs the juice of the plant.
You can do the same procedure with the natug leaf, the scancel leaves or the human flesh leaves.
Apply the pula of aloe vera on the affected area. You can use this recipe several times a day. To see the results in a week use this prescription more than 3 times a day. Aloe vera calms pain, reduces inflammation and regenerates the affected area. It is an excellent astringent, relieves itching and discomfort.
Prepare an infusion with the sangurache flower and drink a glass of this water every morning on an empty stomach. You can repeat the recipe until you feel better.
Wash two or three dandelion leaves, remove the vein in the middle, chop it into fine pieces and add the plant to any soup before turning off the burner. Use this recipe once or twice a week.
Cook branches of lutuyuyo, white mallow and white wallflower for 8 minutes. Bathe the whole body with this preparation. Continue the treatment until the inflammation is eliminated. You can do it for several days.
After 5 days of delivery. Cook branches of white mallow, white wallflower, laurel leaves, branches of chuquiragua, mountain straw, tipo, and chocho de monte for 10 minutes. You can cook all the herbs together or just some of them. The more herbs you use, the more effective the recipe will be. Bathe your whole body with this preparation. Repeat the procedure after 10 days and then after 15 days.
Grind valerian root. Prepare it as an infusion and drink this tea before going to bed.
Prepare an infusion of lettuce leaves. Drink it before going to bed.
Place a cloth bag with chamomile, dried eucalyptus or mint inside your pillow. The fragrance of these plants will relieve your nervous system and help you sleep deeply.
Drink an infusion of any of these plants, combined or alone: wallflower flower, zarcillo flower, sangurache flower, mint leaf, shullo leaf, lemon verbena leaf, chamomile branches, lemon balm leaves, linden flower, natug, plantain leaf, horsetail branches, paico, or trinitaria.
The more herbs you use, the more effective the recipe will be. You can take this recipe at any time of the day or night. You can sweeten it with honey or panela, and it’s also delicious with a few drops of lemon.
Prepare the sangurache flower in infusion and drink this tea in the morning. You can use this recipe every day. Drink an infusion made from ortiga leaves in the morning until you feel better.
Cook four sprigs of rue leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Wash your hair with this water. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for 2 hours, then patiently remove all traces of the parasite.
Chop 5 avocado pits and boil them for 20 minutes in a liter of water together with two sprigs of rue. Wash your hair with this water. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for 2 hours, then patiently remove all traces of the parasite.
Heat a liter of water and add 8 tablespoons of salt. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and dry them well. You can use this recipe every other day.
Heat a liter of water and add 1 cup of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and dry them well. Finally, before going to sleep, soak a cotton with vinegar and wrap it between your fingers. You can apply this remedy every two days.
Cut the oldest leaves from the bottom of the aloe vera plant that are more than three years old. Open the leaf in the center and apply its pulp on the affected skin. You can repeat this recipe as many times as necessary.
Take an infusion of lemon balm leaves, pataconpanga, pimpinilla, escancel, white wallflower, zarcillo flower, chamomile branches or ñachag flower. You can make the infusion from all the herbs together or just some of them. The more herbs you use, the more effective the recipe will be.
Grind valerian root. Boil it for 5 seconds and drink it as tea. Use this recipe only once every two days, as its effect is strong. It is not recommended to take this remedy frequently.
No plant should be boiled to administer orally to children; they are prepared as an infusion.
Drink an infusion of chuquiragua branches. Repeat the procedure for a minimum of three days.
Before sleeping, drink an infusion of Borage´s flower. Repeat the procedure for a minimum of three days.